

Fiaclaireachd 2 × 2.5ml Gluma etch 35 searbhag fiaclach 35% fiaclaireachd meidigeach orthodontic gel Heraeus etch le 35 gel

tuairisgeul goirid:

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

Tagaichean toraidh

Sealladh farsaing
Mion-fhiosrachadh luath
Àite Tùs:
A ’Ghearmailt, a’ Ghearmailt
Àireamh modail:
fiaclaireachd GLUMA etch 35 gel
Stòr Cumhachd:
1 bhliadhna
Seirbheis às dèidh reic:
Taic theicnigeach air-loidhne
Beatha Sgeilp:
Teisteanas Càileachd:
Seòrsachadh ionnstramaid:
Clas III, Clas III
Inbhe sàbhailteachd:
EN 149 -2001 + A1-2009
Ainm Brand:
Gluma Heraeus Kulzer
Ainm Bathar:
fiaclach Heraeus Gluma etch 35% gel
a ’lìonadh stuthan taice
Stuth co-cheangailte fiaclaireachd
2 × 2.5ml Etch 35 Gel / bogsa
Ospadalan, Clionaigean, fiaclairean

Fiaclaireachd 2 × 2.5ml Gluma etch 35 searbhag fiaclach 35% fiaclaireachd meidigeach orthodontic gel Heraeus etch le 35 gel



2 × 2.5ml etch 35 Gel / bogsa 


Tuairisgeul toraidh:


fiaclach Heraeus Gluma etch 35% gel

Àite Tùsan

A 'Ghearmailt

Seòrsachadh ionnstramaid

Clas III


stuthan co-fhilleadh fiaclaireachd




Pacadh & Lìbhrigeadh

Aonadan reic: Bogsa carton

Pasgan: Etch 35% syringes gel (2.5 ml) x 2


Ar seirbheisean:

1. Bidh puist-d 12 uair a ’freagairt.
2. 24 uair seirbheis loidhne teth.
3. Seirbheis bho thoiseach gu deireadh.
4. Càileachd cinnteach.

 2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

Fiosrachadh companaidh:

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel


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