

Prìs farpaiseach fiaclaireachd le LED agus inneal-làimhe co-fhreagarrach Woodpecker Scaler fiaclaire N2 ultrasonic scaler

tuairisgeul goirid:

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

Tagaichean toraidh

Sealladh farsaing
Mion-fhiosrachadh luath
Àite Tùs:
Sìona, Sìona
Àireamh modail:
N2000 / N2000L, N3000 / N3000L
Stòr Cumhachd:
1 bhliadhna
Seirbheis às dèidh reic:
Taic theicnigeach air-loidhne
meatailt, plastaig, stàilinn, meatailt, plastaig
Beatha Sgeilp:
1 bliadhna
Teisteanas Càileachd:
Seòrsachadh ionnstramaid:
Clas II
Inbhe sàbhailteachd:
EN 149 -2001 + A1-2009
Ainm Bathar:
scaler fiaclaireachd ultrasonic
Toradh Prìomh Aonad:
24VAC 50Hz
Cuideam Prìomh Aonad:
Bruthadh uisge ::
0.1bar-5bar (0.01MPa-O. 5MPa)
G1x2, G2, G4, P1
28kHz ± 3kHz
Stuth pacaidh:

Prìs farpaiseach fiaclaireachd le LED agus inneal-làimhe co-fhreagarrach Woodpecker Scaler fiaclaire N2 ultrasonic scaler



1. Inneal-làimhe so-ruigsinneach

2. Autoclaved under an teòthachd àrd de 134 ° C agus cuideam de 0.22 MPa
3. Bidh tracadh tricead fèin-ghluasadach a ’dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an inneal an-còmhnaidh ag obair air an tricead as fheàrr

4. Co-chòrdail ri Woodpecker agus EMS scaler

5. Beachdan fìor-ùine


Tuairisgeul toraidh:

Ainm toraidh

Scaler ultrasonic fiaclaireachd N2000 / N2000L


28KHz ± 3KHz


Meatailt, plastaig

Toradh Prìomh Aonad

24V 50Hz

Cumhachd toraidh


Bruthadh uisge


Meud pacaid



0.45 kg


Pasgan & Lìbhrigeadh

Aonadan reic: Aon rud

Meud pacaid singilte: 20x16x8cm

Cuideam iomlan singilte: 1.000 kg


Ar seirbheisean:

1. Bidh puist-d 12 uair a ’freagairt.
2. 24 uair seirbheis loidhne teth.
3. Seirbheis bho thoiseach gu deireadh.
4. Càileachd cinnteach.

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Fiosrachadh companaidh:

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler


  • Roimhe:
  • Air adhart:

  • Sgrìobh do theachdaireachd an seo agus cuir thugainn e